Accelerate Your Financial Goals with Alcor iBank

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SME IPO Services

A custom financing solution for SME IPOs. Funding options tailored to meet your needs for optimised growth and access to capital.

Investor Relations

Get strong relationships, transparency, and market navigation with our expert investor relations services

Capital Structure Optimization

Maximise the success of SME IPOs by optimising the capital structure. We have tailored strategies for efficient use, flexibility, and minimised financial risks.

Growth Opportunities Identification

Learn about new markets, product lines, and strategic partnerships with our expert insights for IPOs for SMEs.

Shareholder Value Enhancement

Improve shareholder value through tailored initiatives such as dividend policy, share buybacks, capital return, and effective business governance.

Market Trend Analysis

Become an expert in market trend analysis,  Make confident strategic decisions in an IPO for SMEs by navigating competition and regulatory changes with Alcor.

Small Business Grow Faster with our consulting Services


Testimonials are evidence of customers speaking in their own words about your good or service. The greatest ones are genuine, descriptive, and precise so that potential customers can relate to the client, the issue, and the solution.

Our Management Team

Team of diverse and talented leaders.


Our business offers our clients top-notch financial and strategic guidance, assisting them in achieving their objectives and overcoming obstacles. We are dedicated to providing our clients with value by assisting them in achieving their goals and realising their full potential.

Small Business Grow Faster with our consulting Services

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Startup to Market Leader

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